Department of


What drives the Earth’s water, tectonic, and climate systems? How have Earth’s life forms and environments changed over time? And how are humans affecting Earth systems today?


Understand Your World

Get out of the classroom

Study geology in the field, from local streams and rock outcrops to destinations such as Death Valley, the Grand Canyon, and Canyonlands National Parks. Study glaciers in Norway, volcanoes in Japan, rivers in China, beaches in Australia, and mountains in New Zealand during semesters abroad.

Unearth the past

Southern Wisconsin was once covered by a tropical, shallow sea teeming with trilobites. Explore the rock record to understand how fossilized organisms evolved and why they went extinct.

Apply your skills to the water, climate, and energy challenges facing our society

Prepare for a career in the geosciences by designing a sustainable rain garden to reduce storm water runoff, comparing climate reconstructions in the Eocene to changes observed today, and learning about the environmental impacts of our dependence on non-renewable resources.

Cave of the Mounds Trip
Geology News

Cave of the Mounds Trip

The Beloit Geology Club took a day trip to Blue Mounds, WI to explore the Cave of the Mounds. Club members learned about the geologic history of the Driftless Area and how the cave system below Blue Mounds formed, including the amazing mineral deposits and structures seen within the cave.


Study Away Fair

Study Away Fair: Discover your options for off-campus study!

The cathedral ceiling of Pearson Hall’s Moore Lounge provides a dramatic backdrop for the faculty and staff appreciation ceremony.

Outstanding faculty and staff recognized with teaching and advising awards

Awards for outstanding teaching and advising were presented and six long-time members of the Beloit College community were awarded emeritus status at the annual faculty and staff appreciation…


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