Interested in incorporating technology into your class but not sure where to start? 看看这些平台.
变焦 is a video conferencing tool that allows you to meet with groups of people, 共享屏幕, record meetings and create breakout rooms for group work. Pro accounts are available for all faculty and 工作人员. 请 提交IT请求 给你开个账户.
Auto-transcription is now available in 变焦 for those with pro accounts. 我们创建了一个 教程 这将向您展示如何激活设置.
This is the collaborative communication application included in G Suite for Education. It includes conferencing, screen-sharing, and chat.
In order to record and share a conference, use the following steps:
- 使用变焦的 当地的记录 feature to record and save a conference locally to your computer.
- 上传录制的视频 到你的Google Drive. 所有伯洛伊特学院的教员, 工作人员, and students have unlimited storage space on their college Drive account.
分享链接 to your uploaded video on Moodle, via email, or through other methods.
You can use 演示文稿 to record your voice on each slide as you lecture.
所有校园mac电脑都配备了iMovie. 您可以使用此工具来编辑视频和创建 mp4s that can be uploaded to YouTube.
Windows MovieMaker has been integrated into Photos. Photo is a great resource for quickly trimming a video. 您可以使用此工具来编辑视频和创建 .mp4s that can be uploaded to YouTube or Google Drive.
标题是可访问性的重要组成部分. 通过YouTube创建字幕既简单又免费. Once you’ve created your video upload it to YouTube, 添加标题, 并与你的学生分享链接. You can keep your videos hidden so they are not discoverable to anyone without the link.
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is a photo editing software that is available through the library computer labs.
WordPress is a free website builder that contains dozens of templates. 该界面易于使用和通用. 为小组项目和投资组合的伟大资源.
谷歌网站 is a free website builder that is available for free. 该界面易于使用和通用. 为团队项目和投资组合的伟大资源. Students and instructors use their Beloit credentials to login and create a site.
Adobe表示 is an online design application that allows you to create graphics, 海报, 还有短视频. 所有伯洛伊特学院的教员 and students are able to create an account.
Flipgrid is a website where instructors create categories and students respond to prompts with video reflections. 这是异步讨论的好工具. 它有一个网站和一个应用程序.
帆布 is a graphic design platform where users can create presentations, 海报, 传单, 社交媒体图表, 和小册子. In order to use 帆布 users need to create a free account.
Voyant 是开源的, web-based application for reading and text analysis of digital texts, helping students identify and study patterns and trends within a text. Results can be downloaded as visualizations, tab-separated data, or embedded directly to your LMS.
表 数据可视化软件是什么 is capable of complex data modeling and has a wide variety of visualization outputs. 表桌面和表准备生成器是免费的 对于学生和教师来说,也是如此 表公开.
无畏 是开源的 digital audio recording and editing application. 这个工具很容易切割, 复制, 粘贴, 并插入音频剪辑, 通过淡入调节音量, 并运行基本的音频增强功能, 使其成为播客初学者的理想选择.
There are a variety of options available for showing video in your courses.
- 利用面对面的课堂时间来播放视频. DVDs can be put on reserve for students that need access later.
Many faculty are utilizing streaming to show video to their students.
- Synchronous: Show video over a 变焦 video by playing the DVD and sharing your screen. 使用DVD时观看质量最好. Recording the presentation would be a violation of 复制right.
- Asynchronous: Utilize one of the library’s streaming platforms:
- 在线学术视频: Contains over 65,000 documentaries, films, and series in a variety of disciplines. Students will be prompted to login with their 十大菠菜台子 account.
- 亚历山大街新闻短片这个数据库包含14万多个视频. Students will be prompted to login with their 十大菠菜台子 account in order to access.
- 电影点播:社会科学影集: 有超过4500个视频可供选择. Students will login with their 十大菠菜台子 account.
- Global Environmental Justice Documentaries Collection: Contains documentaries explore human rights and environmental protection issues triggered by inequality, 全球发展与气候变化.
The video I need to show to my class is not available on these platforms, what are my options?
- One option is to show the video via 变焦 or Google Hangouts/Meet. This is only available for synchronous viewings as recording the video would be a violation of 复制right.
- Students can utilize Inter图书馆 Loan and local public libraries for videos. We are happy to help your students find resources through their library or make ILL requests.
- Students that are at home can utilize their public library for streaming video as well. Many public libraries have Hoopla which is a streaming service has many films and series.
- Many recent and popular films are available through Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. Most subscription platforms have free trials for those that don’t have access to an account. 这是最不可取的选择, 但在某些情况下, academic libraries are not able to purchase streaming video for feature films.