学习是所有人的! 你是否做运动, 来自国外或从未出过国, 你有两个主修,或者一个主修和一个副修, you have never studied another language or you are seeking fluency in a third or fourth language, 你可以继续学习.
这些奖状 discuss myths 十大菠菜台子 students broke about who studies abroad.
- 伯洛伊特学院有一个易于使用的财务模式, 一些奖学金, and the GEO staff can help you with outside scholarships. 看到 费用和援助页面.
- T在这里 are study options that cost less than a semester at 十大菠菜台子. 与留学顾问讨论选择.
- 多样性在国外 has tips for low-income students on making study away financially feasible.
- Speak with peers about the strategies they used to finance study away.
Disability is not considered in determining eligibility to study away at 十大菠菜台子. 然而, 残疾可能会影响项目的选择, as disability supports vary from country to country and institution to institution. Program choice can be discussed with a study abroad advisor.
Legal and social attitudes towards sexuality and gender vary considerably across cultures. Do your research while applying and preparing to study abroad so that you know what to expect and how to stay safe and avoid persecution.
- GoAbroad: LGBT学生出国留学指南
- 国际同性恋 & 女同性恋人权委员会(IGLHRC): 按国家分列的资料
- IGLTA 提供全面的旅游指南.
- 国际男女同性恋协会: 世界同性恋恐惧症地图
- 皮尤全球研究中心: 对同性恋的态度
- 南佛罗里达大学: LGBT学生出国指南
- U.S. 国务院:关于……的信息 当今旅行者
保持强劲. 保持专注. 保持联系. 停留在这个季节. 然后,出国!
- Look for universities with good athletic facilities 和/或 opportunities to play a club sport on campus or off-campus. A number of athletes have reported returning stronger and more fit for their sport after studying abroad.
- 打篮球或游泳? Look for options with that begin when the season is over. 澳大利亚的大学, 德国, 日本, 拉丁美洲, and New Zealand all have “late” starts in Beloit’s second semester.
- Stay connected to your team while studying away in the off-season.
Studying in another country can trigger a unique kind of stress. 然而, if you are able to manage your mental health at 十大菠菜台子, you can build a plan to manage your mental health abroad if you plan ahead. As you consider study abroad options, investigate available supports. It may be helpful to ask a GEO advisor to help you find the information you need.
十大菠菜台子 学习充实与残疾 服务
- 美国移动国际
- Check with the foreign embassy of any countries you will visit or transit through to make sure 处方 和/或 场外交易 medications you take are permitted in those countries. Information should be noted in US State Department Travel Advisory notes 在这里.
- Bring a supply of medication to cover the entire period in which you will be abroad. 这可能需要获得“假期覆盖”.” Alternatively, make plans to obtain the medication abroad.
- Carry a letter from your physician describing your medical condition and any 处方 medications, 包括处方药的通用名称.
- Keep medications in their original, labeled containers.
- Keep your medications in your carry-on luggage when you travel.
Studying away can enhance and expand learning in all disciplines, and is an effective High Impact Educational Practice (HIP), especially when combined with additional HIPs such as research, 合作项目, 志愿服务, 和实习.
Studying abroad offers a unique opportunity to critically examine your national identity.
- 了解签证要求. Requirements for visas may vary based on your country of citizenship.
- 了解你的东道国. Learn how your government’s policies have impacted citizens of your host country. This means exploring the history of the relationship with your home country, 任何现有的不满, 时事新闻.
- 了解自己. 探索你自己的价值观和身份. Understanding your own biases and values and what has shaped your opinions puts you in a position to articulate your beliefs and distinguish yourself from your government’s policies. Being challenged and questioned by others in your host country, 尽管有压力, 能否引发进一步的反思和探索.
- 避免防御. This is a chance to understand the perspectives of others, and to share your views respectfully. Though some may view you as a representative of your home country, 你不必接受那个角色.
- 实践自我保健. 驾驭你的国家身份可能会很累. Monitor yourself and take measures to maintain your emotional and mental well-being. This may mean disengaging from political discussions when you need a break.
- 保持安全. If at any time you feel as though you are being targeted, harassed or threatened remove yourself from the situation. 然后寻求帮助.
- What racial categories or constructions exist in the host country?
- Do any of the power structures in the host country favor people of a certain race or races, 或者其他标记? 你将如何适应这个系统
- What is the history of colonialism in the host country?
- What are the pressing immigration 和/或 emigration issues in the host country?
- What have other students of a similar racial or ethnic background to you experiences while in this host country?
- What strengths do I bring to study abroad in regard to the experience of race or ethnicity? 我的局限性和偏见是什么?
- 都在国外 : Advice from returned study abroad students with a focus on questions of race and gender
- 多样性在国外
- Project for Learning Abroad, Training, and Outreach (PLATO): On-Line curriculum for study abroad students, pre -, 在, 在国外学习后, 有一节旨在支持多样性
- 白人特权:打开看不见的背包