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Add Event to Website Calendar
Promote your event on your pages and the campus calendar.
General process
- Community members add events to the most relevant website group.
- All events which are “live” are shown on the campus calendar automatically.
- 网站编辑可以向其他群组建议并分享他们的事件,这样就可以出现在他们的页面上.
- Once added to the website, event coordinators may also promote events further on News & Events, For Beloiters, the Beloiters Beat, Digital Signage, or Student Mailing List.
What events should be added to the website?
Unless the event is private or invite-only, every campus event should be added to the website to help build a complete campus calendar.
- For you, adding an event to the website provides passive promotion, 在哪里用户可以自己发现你的事件,或者可以在需要的时候轻松查找.
- For our community,日历是一个全面的资源,可以找到感兴趣的事件并计划他们的时间表.
- For our key external audiences, such as future students and their families, 他们希望看到一个充满活动的日历,作为一个活跃和充满活力的校园的信号.
- For event coordinators, 日历有助于在适当的时间安排新事件, minimizing conflicts and overlaps, etc.
How to add an event to the website
大学员工应该作为网站编辑直接添加活动. 学生可以咨询顾问或通过表格向网站提交活动.
Whenever possible, 活动应由活动协调员直接添加到网站上自己的小组(迷你网站).
If the event coordinator is not a website editor, either request editor access or work with a colleague who does have editor access. Add the event directly to your group in the Events section of the dashboard.
More information:
- Steps for Adding an Event to the Website
- Adding Virtual Events for the Campus Community
- Best Practices for Event Promotion
Programs without a website group/site
The first step would be to consult with web staff about the creation of a new group/site for your program. 一旦制作完成,并且具有编辑权限,事件协调器就可以直接将事件添加到网站上.
如果该项目没有分组/站点,例如作为试验项目,不应该在网站上永久存在, 或类似的情况-然后你可以提交你的事件通过 For Beloiters.
- Events related to academics and coursework, such as senior projects, 应该让他们的指导老师或系里的老师把他们的活动添加到网站上吗.
- Events held by student clubs and organizations should 将他们的活动提交给学生参与和领导(SEAL).
- For other kinds of events, or if the above resources are unable to assist, you can submit your event through For Beloiters.
Promotion of events
Automatic promotion
Once an event is added to the website and set to live, 它已经设置为出现在网站的某些页面上.
Additional promotion
您可以与其他组共享您的活动,他们也可以选择在他们的页面上共享您的活动. 这可以在编辑器底部的共享部分编辑事件时完成.
Some examples:
- The event is a collaboration two or more offices. 一个办公室制作和维护活动,然后与其他办公室分享以推广活动. 这样,只有一个事件实例,当它被更新时,会在所有地方更新.
- The event may be of interest to their audiences. For instance, 一位日本小说作家的演讲可能会引起现代语言学家的兴趣, English (creative writing), Comparative Literature, and International Education.
Users can still easily find events through the campus calendar, so don’t overdo the sharing. 在分享和接受事件时要公正:每个小组都应该专注于对他们的观众最有用或最有趣的事情.
On News & Events, there is a list of upcoming public events.
To be clear, “公开”意味着任何校外的人都可以参加. 一定不要把校园活动错误地贴上对公众开放的标签, 因为公众依靠这个标签来找到他们可以参加并参与的活动.
On For Beloiters, there is a list of upcoming events for campus audiences.
To have your event appear in this feature, edit the event, tag your audiences, and share it to the “For Beloiters” group.
Not all events shared to For Beloiters will be accepted. 将优先考虑观众可能想参加的活动, such as fun or unique experiences. 请记住:即使你的活动没有包含在For beloiter上,你的活动仍然可以在 campus event calendar.
Events accepted to appear on For Beloiters 是否有机会出现在贝洛伊特定期发给全校的电子邮件中.
并非所有出现在For beloiter上的事件都将被包括在内. Space in limited in the email, 因此,更优先考虑的是观众最感兴趣的活动,以及代表不同观众和兴趣的活动.
一旦你的活动被添加到网站上,你可以跟进 要求您的活动出现在校园数字标牌上.
一旦您的活动被添加到网站上,您就可以通过以下方式向所有学生发送消息 the Student Mailing List.
Summary: how to promote based on audience
If your event is private or invite-only– meetings, dinners, 等等——你可能不需要在网站上添加你的活动或推广它.
The said, 至少添加一个事件,让校园社区知道一个事件正在发生,这是很有帮助的:
- 校园委员会:通常只对会员和受邀者开放, 其他人仍然想知道委员会什么时候开会,这样他们就可以准备提案或为企业做出贡献.
- Board of Trustees, Showcase, 其他重大事件:其他人可能想知道这些事件发生的时间, 特别是在活动资源和支持有限的时候.
如果活动只针对你的团队,那么就不需要在网站上进行额外的宣传. 将事件添加到您的群组中,然后通过其他方式(电子邮件)分享, word of mouth, etc) to those who can intend.
Even if others cannot attend, 这些信息对于活动计划和避免冲突事件仍然是有用的.
Add the event to your group, 然后与其他相关团体或可能感兴趣的观众分享这个活动.
将事件添加到您的组中,并确保将其分类为“向公众开放”。. 任何公共用户都将依赖此类别来查找他们可以参加的活动.