Faculty/Staff Resources

The LEADS office works closely with faculty and staff to provide appropriate educational support for all students.

The Tutoring Program depends on the cooperation of faculty and staff who teach courses. We match tutors and tutees on a course-based system and rely on faculty to recommend tutors for their courses. Faculty select students who taken the course and done well and additionally have the personal characteristics and work habits that will make them effective tutors. We seek students who are patient, reliable, and have excellent communication skills to be tutors. New faculty may want to consult with continuing faculty to identify students who might be helpful.

We rely on faculty and staff to refer students to our office to get a tutor, to participate in academic enrichment activities, get individual assistance, and/or to obtain disability services. Students have the opportunity to obtain course-specific tutoring and/or organizational tutoring to meet their needs. Faculty are also key to implementing most classroom accommodations. 


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